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The Shifting Power-dime

I hate consultant-speak. Any given business presentation by any consultant has the same old buzz-words. "The Paradigm Shift" has to be there somewhere. I loved DBC Pierre's black and white explanation of what the paradigm shift really was.....

"Pa-ra-dime. You never heard of the pradigm shift? Example: You see a man with his hand up your granny's ass. What do you think?"


"Right. Then you learn a deadly bug crawled up there, and the man has infact put aside his disgust to save granny. What do you think now?"

"Hero. You can tell he ain't met my nana."

"There you go, a paradigm shift. The action doesn't change - the information you use to judge it does. You were ready to crucify this guy because you didnt have the facts. Now you want to shake his hand."

"I dont think so".

- from 'Vernon God Little'