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Kafka on the shore...

Some of my favourite passages from Murakami's Novel: - the italics are from my birdbrain.

"That's why I like to listen to Schubert while I'm driving. Like I said, its because all the performances are imperfect. A dense artistic kind of imperfection stimulates your consciousness, keeps you alert. If I listen to some utterly perfect piece while driving, I might want to close my eyes and die right there and then" - Oshima

Wow, the day I have to listen to bad music to keep me alert on the roads - I better check into that asylum. But this really got me thinking about artistic "imperfection" in the first place.

I nod. " I know. But metaphors can reduce the distance"

"We are not metaphors."

"I know", I say. "But metaphors help eliminate what separates you and me."

A faint smile comes to her as she looks up at me.

"That's the oddest pickup line I've ever heard." - Kafka Tamura/Miss Saeki

" Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. So anyone who's in love gets sad when they think of their lover." - Oshima

Can love really be that selfish?

"Everyone is losing something precious to us", he said after the phone stops ringing. "Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back again. That's part of what it means to be alive." - Oshima

Oshima puts things into perspective. While touring on a motorcycle, I've felt my life should be like a ride. Long, mostly smooth - holding tight through the potholes and blind corners - but a glowing sense of purpose at the end. I guess that's the other part of what it means to be alive.

Kafka on the shore is a special book. I've always equated the reading of this book to my motorcycle trips . I want to finish it as quick as I can, but at the same time am afraid that it will end too soon. So many time I've had the feeling that it's better to travel than to arrive....

so many times I have felt that thinking or reading about travel is better than traveling...:D

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